September Recap: 2024

Hey everyone! I know I'm super late sorrryyyyy haha. It was a busy summer, as you know, so here's my first official monthly recap since (gasp) my May recap. I hope everyone's school year is off to a great start!

I started the school year, of course! I am pretty happy with my classes, especially my live classes -writing (not totally live - I have a coach who grades my papers), literature, and history. I use WriteAtHome which I highly recommend! My teachers are really awesome. (No like, seriously. Mr. Wasko is soooo funny.)

I started teaching swim lessons on my own - finally! In June, I shadowed swim lessons. That's when I got in the water with another instructor to learn how to teach lessons. After a couple months and no shadowing, I was finally able to start. I teach 30-40 preschoolers and they are sooo fun and it is such a rewarding experience. 

I waved my little sister off to school for the first time (sniff sniff.) She cried for the first couple days but she's much better now. She and my little brother go to the same school - I'm still homeschooled 😆

My little sister turned three! 

We had a really cool lifeguard in service training where the EMS came and showed us some of their emergency procedures. We got to see how a Lucas 3 works, which was really awesome! The Lucas 3 is a machine that does CPR. It is insanely expensive 😅


Work on my WordPress blog

I am pretty much done with it! I have a couple things to figure out and fix up then I'll get it up and running! 

Go trick-or-treating

With my sibs ofc - our yearly tradition 😉 Elijah is going to be Darth Vader and Eliyah is going to be Princess Leia. Is that cute or whatttt????

Organize my desk

It is an absolute wreck. There were progress reports everywhere for swim lessons (luckily those are gone now) and there's just... stuff everywhere. 

Get rid of some clothes

I wear shorts until sometime in October usually. When I feel like it's time, I switch my summer clothes out for winter clothes. At this point I sort through the clothes and donate the ones I didn't really wear.

From my camera roll

Labor Day getaway before school starts!

Look at me out there haha

First day of school!

Eliyah's 3rd birthday!

Ignore my swimsuit lol

Random pic of the fairy lights in my room

Your turn!

How was your month? Any goals for what we have left of October? Are you doing anything for Halloween this year?

See you around!



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