Summer Recap 2024

Hey friends, hope you guys are doing well! This summer was awesome! It is my busiest season of the year but it's also my favorite. Our calendar the whole summer was very colorful - which, of course, is a nice way of saying, "I'm booked!" Because I am recapping my whole summer and not doing monthly recaps, this one will look a little different. So let's get right into it!


I finally, after over a month of waiting, I started lifeguarding and swim instructing! It's been really great and I am enjoying it. I worked a lot this summer, which accounts for much of my busyness. I actually made a small rescue - I pulled a girl out of the water after she slipped off the wall. (Rescues are waayyy more common at the beach, from what I've heard)

We threw yet another birthday party that was bigger and better than any I've done before, I'd say! This year we celebrated all of our summer birthdays at once - my mom's, dad's, little brother's, and little sister's. I didn't include too many pictures because I didn't want to include anyone's face if they didn't want to be included 😊

We went to a Christian family camp - it was soooo funnn! I could make a whole post about it but here's the short of it - I made new friends, went tubing on the lake, made it to the top of the rock wall, had late game nights, had too many sweets, and played volleyball. We're going to go again next year and I already can't wait.

I cut my hair! IT'S SHOULDER LENGTH NOWWWWWWWW! I've been wanting to donate my hair for years and finally I worked up the nerve to do it. My hairdresser cut it and sent me home with my ponytail, so pretty soon I'll donate it. I'll probably do Locks of Love! I never ever thought I would cut my hair shoulder length, but it's done I guess!

I swam 75+ miles! I swam 75 miles from May to July. I don't have the exact count for August but I swam slightly less in August as I did in the other months (the pool was closed + we were away) I swim laps five days a week, so it was really cool to see how far I've gone!

And more <3

  • Staying in a cabin by a lake on Father's Day weekend! 
  • Lots of beach days 🤭
  • And even more ice cream 🍧
  • A last minute trip up to the mountains for Labor Day weekend! (sheesh the hotels are way more expensive this time around haha)
  • We paddled out to this island that no one really knows about with our friends. It was like a private island! 
  • Afterwards, we went to their house and swam in their pool + had a grill which was really nice.
  • Hanging out with my friend who's off at college now (sniff sniff I can't believe he's gone)
  • Feeling the summer breeeeezeeee
  • Babysitting!
  • Intense Uno games 
  • Paddle boarding 
  • Jumping in the pool after my lifeguarding shift because it's sooooo hotttttt 🥵
  • A beautiful wedding 🥲
  • Shopping with my mom!
  • Getting an adorable watermelon Kate Spade wallet (finally!) 🍉
  • Swimming 🏊
  • Watching the Olympics (GO KATIE LEDECKYYYY)
  • Scrapbooking! (I finaaalyyyy scrapbooked my trip to Florida from October haha)
  • Staying up wayyyyy too late (or should I say way too early) to watch the Lord of the Rings
  • Possibly hearing a bear in the woods at nighttime while we were playing hide and seek at camp 💀

Your turn!

How was your summer? What are a few highlights? I'd love to hear all about it, and I love to reply! 

From my camera roll


See you around!


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