My Summer Bucket List '24

Hey friends! It's hard to believe that almost half the year is already gone! And we all know what comes around halfway through the year... SUMMER! The sun is shining, there's no school, and everything just looks a little brighter. I thought it would be fun to share my summer bucket list with you. Maybe it will give you inspiration for your own bucket list. At the end of the summer, I'll do a post reviewing how I did on my bucket list! Without further ado, here is my 2024 Summer Bucket List!

pictures from Pinterest

Record a 1 second video every day

I read about this on Diary of a Daydreamer and I thought this sounds super fun! Basically, you record a one second video every day and at the end of the summer, you have a cool video to look back on. Hannah got an app, but I might just do it with the camera on my phone.

Drink iced tea on the patio

I don't know about you, but I think iced tea and patios go super good together. The warm sun, the gentle breeze... 

Go to the beach with friends

I live super close to the beach, but I haven't been to it much with my friends recently! It's been mostly my siblings and me. 

Make chalk art

I found a bunch of ideas on Pinterest that I would love to try! I draw on the driveway with my siblings a lot anyway, so why not have some fun with it?

Play games on paddleboard

I found this on Pinterest and thought it looks super fun! I'll make it my goal to find more games, too. Any suggestions?

Read under a tree

I'll probably do this multiple times this summer! There are so many nice spots to read in my yard.

Go out for ice cream

There's something different about eating ice cream out on a warm summer night than eating it at home. 

Practice driving

I'll turn 16 next year, so I better start practicing! I also want to read my driver's book.

Find five new hairstyles

I have a lot saved on Pinterest that I want to try!

Have a lemonade stand with my siblings

I guess I'm too old to be doing a lemonade stand by myself haha, but I still enjoy doing them with my siblings 😊 We didn't do one last summer, but the summer before that we made over one hundred dollars!

Go for a bike ride

Hopefully a real bike ride, and not just the two-minute rides I do to get to a neighbor's to babysit haha

Eat at a bakery

My brother and I went to a bakery to buy breakfast treats for Mother's Day. I thought it would be so fun to go sometime in the summer.  

Make a milkshake

We make fruit smoothies often, but I think it would be fun to make a milkshake. With ice cream, chocolate, peanut butter - ya know, classic ingredients 😉

Watch fireworks

We usually have fireworks in our backyard every Independence Day, but I would also love to go out to see some! We haven't done it recently (I'm guessing because my little sibs get into bed early.)

Move blog to WordPress

As you guys probably know, I'm planning to move my blog to WordPress sometime soon! That is definitely a goal this summer. And don't worry - I won't delete this blog so you can still find all the content here, too.

Build an outdoor fort

Forts are so fun and TOTALLY not just for little kids, although I'll probably do this with my siblings anyway. Lol. 

Read a bunch of summery books

I have a few in mind! Check out my Goodreads to stay updated.

Your turn!

What are your plans this summer? What is on your bucket list? Do you live near a beach? I'd love to hear what you have in mind! Stay tuned until the end of the summer for how I did on my bucket list.

Bye for now! 


  1. This summer bucket list looks really fun! I hope you're able to complete all of these things and have the best summer ever! I love the beach, so I hope you get to go with your friends! Also, summer is such a good time for reading.


    1. Thanks! I'm lucky to live so close to the beach. I hope you complete everything on your bucket list too - and have a great summer!

  2. I love your bucket list!! Lemonade stands are so much fun! I might drag my little cousins out so we can do one! I'm glad I'm not the only person who made a ton of money at lemonade stands 😂

    1. Haha so true! This summer has been really busy so we haven't done it yet, but hoping we can before the summer ends!


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