Spring Bucket List // 2024 Edition + Early Spring Photoshoot!

Hey friends! Welcome or welcome back! It is officially spring (woot-woot!) My little brother is soooo excited for spring for some reason. He was counting the days down... literally. Every day he would ask me what the date was and then find out how many days there are until spring. Such a sweetie 🥰

Let's get right into it!

1. Spring cleaning! It's time to find out if there is a monster in your closet. And while you're at it...

2. Get rid of clothes that you don't wear/have outgrown! I usually wait until late spring, when I switch to shorts.

3. Go for a bike ride - Something about that warm, gentle breeze and the sunshine that feels amazing 💞

4. Plant a garden or work on the one you already have. 

5. Read outside - This is especially nice on a warm, sunny day! Spread out a blanket, bring some snacks, and enjoy the sunshine 😉 Check out Belle's post for some perfect books for spring!

6. Get a haircut - I am waiting a few more months for my hair to get longer so I can cut 10 inches to donate, but if you are in need of a haircut, now's the time 😁

7. Update your journal - I write in my journal a lot, but if you haven't written in a while it would be a great time to write about what has been going on! Read Annika's post with journal prompts. (while you're at it, check her YouTube channel out - it's one of my favorites!)

8. Go for a walk in the fresh, spring air

9. Paint your nails - think light purple, light yellow, and other pastel colors!

10. Put fresh flowers in your room - Daffodils are in season! Once we get some more, I am so putting a vase in my room. They smell so good and brighten the place up! 

11. Stick your head out the car window - If you haven't done this, you have to try it. Especially if you have long hair. Do you look a little crazy? Um, sure. But is it worth it? Tooooaaatally. (Okay fine if you don't want to look weird just stick your hand out instead. Or sit by the open window.)

12. Have a picnic - I'm going to wait until it warms up a little more, but I am definitely doing it this spring!

13. Make some spring art - a watercolor painting, a spring craft, or even just a spring coloring page.

14. Drink a fruit smoothie - We have smoothies a lot. (One of the great things about homeschooling 😉) If you don't have the chance to drink them as much, enjoy one now! Why wait for summer?

15. Have an outdoor photoshoot - whether you take pictures of the flowers, your little siblings, or yourself, take advantage of the beautiful scenery. 

16. Start planning your summer - I know, it might seem like you're rushing to the next season. But you won't regret planning it out a little! Personally, I'm using the spring to get a lifeguard certification so I can work as a lifeguard during the summer. I'm also applying for an electrical engineering internship. 

17. Walk barefoot in the morning dew - this feels amaaaaazing. 

18. Play music outside - I am going to do this with my ukulele. 

19. Bake and let me know what you bake in the comments! I love baking - everyone's favorite of mine is carrot cake

20. Pick wildflowers and put them in your room!

Your turn!

What are you adding to your bucket list? Which of these ideas is your favorite?

See you around!

~ Emeren


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